The Unlimited Stitch Story

Hello there! My name is Corrina Dea - wife, mother of three, avid crafter and seamstress, and owner of The Unlimited Stitch.  My business "baby" was officially born in 2013 when my sewing hobby got serious and turned into a full-time home-based sewing business.   I went from making my own children's dress up costumes and toys to now selling customized gifts, apparel, and clothing keepsakes in my very own brick-and-mortar boutique in August 2021. 


In the early years of balancing a family with young children and growing a home-based business, I created items to sell at craft fairs, on Etsy, through Facebook, and even my own webstore.   Eventually, I ventured into selling some of my items in local boutiques. I was truly blessed to be able to do what I loved every day while being able to support my family financially and being accessible to them by working from my home. 

In 2019, I lost my mom (my best friend, mentor, and fellow sewing/embroidery fanatic) to cancer.  That loss physically and emotionally changed me. The struggle was real and the depression was real.  After seeking treatment and trying to get business back on track, the world and my business literally came to a halt with the happenings of 2020.  I had a choice to either let grief consume me again or find what I could do to help.  For the next several months, I used the gift God gave me to serve those around me by making and donating thousands of cloth masks. 



During COVID, I could feel my mom reminding me to find something to be thankful for, find the JOY God provides in a chaotic world.  So, I found myself on a mission to find a way to bring JOY back into the world or at least in my community.  Deep down I knew that The Unlimited Stitch needed to be accessible to more of the masses and out of my house where I had been for so many years.  I had this burning desire to take that next step and fearlessly commit to growing the business and make a bigger impact my community. 


main street building

In November 2020, God presented us the opportunity to purchase a building on Main Street in Morton, Illinois.  In February 2021, I moved my 8-year-old home-based business into the most beautiful 100-year-old house at 225 N. Main Street in Morton, Illinois.  



Check out this video on how the Morton Economic Development Council blessed us with a MicroGrant in 2021 to get the shop going!


After a bit of updating and painting our front door our beautiful signature blue, our grand opening of the store front was August 27th, 2021! Since then, we have been happily serving our customers and our community and bringing them JOY with embroidery, custom apparel printing, ready-made school spirit wear, custom sewn clothing keepsakes along with creating personalized gifts! 

In the spring of 2024, God put it on my heart to me more available to my family and we decided together that I would close our brick-and-mortar location and move the business back into my home on a much more scaled down version.  I decided to put my heart and soul into my family and continue to create memory bears, pillows, quilts and more as that my life's passion to help others through the grieving process of losing a loved one and preserving their memories through clothing keepsakes.


We LOVE giving back to our community and these are a few things we've been blessed to help with!!!


  • St. Jude Run - we donate services and personalizing services for special gifts given to the Memphis to Peoria Runners
  • St. Jude Children's Hospital - we partner with St. Jude Run to create St. Jude branded merchandise to spread awareness and support 
  • School/Sports Fundraisers - we donate spirit wear and various other items for raffle baskets and drawings
  • Local sports teams fundraisers through team apparel sales
  • Morton Basketball Game Ball Run - we donate spirit shirts and shirt personalization for Miracle Families
  • Lincoln School Fine Arts Days - presented the art of embroidery to K-6 grade students
  • Aidan Strong Fundraiser - we created and sold fundraising t-shirts to support the Williams family of Washington while their son Aidan was diagnosed with leukemia 
  • Medical Workers/Nursing Staff/Teachers/Police/Firefighters/St. Jude Runners - we donated almost 1000 handmade masks during the onset of Covid-19 in 2020
  • We offer complimentary sewing services to service men and women to add service patches to their uniforms
  • We sew zippers into shirts for kids fighting cancer, so that they can wear their regular clothes to treatments where they need access to their ports